Sunday, May 25, 2008

My new hobby!

I have recently gotten really into embroidering things. I have had my machine for a while but just really started doing a lot of new things. I really enjoy it, I just wish I had more time for it. Anyways, I know some people were interested in seeing some of the different items so here are a few. I will post new ones as I do them. I do take orders, so just let me know if you are interested in purchasing anything.

This is a boy bag, burp cloth, towel and wash cloth. I bought this particular towel and wash cloth and just monogrammed the name. However, I do have a train design, just not this same one.

burp cloths with the different fonts and designs.

monogrammed bag

two of my favorite burp cloths I have done.

mongrammed travel mugs

burp cloth and bibb

monogrammed sports mugs. These are one of my favorite things. The bottome comes off to place a snack in.

more monogrammed mugs

a few more burp cloths. Sorry- I could not get this picture to expand and turn.